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IATA Training News

NC tour A Canadian who lives in North Carolina, choreographer-on-the-rise Helen Simoneau is using her newest evening-length work, Caribou, to take a closer look at heritage, assimilation and identity. She studies these ideas through the iconic caribou—an enormously antlered animal beloved by our friends to the nort.

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Dubai Airports signs with IATA to rollout Smart Security

Diversity is a hot-button topic in today’s dance world. It’s often linked to conversations about the rise of Misty Copeland, and there have been many notable outreach efforts, such as Charlotte Ballet’s partnership with Dance Theatre of Harlem, American Ballet Theatre’s Project Plié, The Washington Ballet’s recently launched program called Let’s Dance Together and the work done by the International Association of Blacks in Dance.

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Aviation Training Law

The Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation is raising the roof: it held a ceremonial “roof-breaking” performance on Tuesday to mark the beginning of a $25 million construction project that will add three more stories of studios, classrooms and offices to its Manhattan home. The expansion of the building, the Joan Weill Center for Dance, which opened in 2005, is being designed by Iu & Bibliowicz Architects.

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